8 Pieces of Essential Motorcycle Gear

get help from a motorcycle accident attorney

Motorcycle Safety Gear Riding a motorcycle in San Jose is, unfortunately much more dangerous than operating an automobile. While there are more car crashes by volume, there is a higher percentage of motorcycle accidents in San Jose per rider. Also, riders involved in motorcycle accidents are statistically more likely to suffer severe injuries or death […]

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5 Best Urban Motorcycles for City Dwellers

$100K POLICY LIMITS SETTLEMENT – Motorcycle Accident Case (Left-Turn Collision) in Alameda

5 Best Urban Motorcycles for City Dwellers There’s something very liberating about hopping on a motorcycle, twisting the throttle, and hitting the road—especially when you live in Oakland or San Francisco. Motorcycles are not only a great economical way to get around as an everyday commuter option, they’re fun to ride as well. But, take […]

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Best Motorcycle Gear for Urban Commuters

Motorcycles are a great way to commute around urban centers like San Francisco and Los Angeles. They’re lightweight, easily maneuverable, a cinch to find parking for. They’re also much more affordable than buying and operating a car. Plus, riding to work and back can be really fun—it’s sort of a stress-reliever. But, take it from […]

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Why Rent a Motorcycle in San Francisco?

Motorcycle Accident left-turn Berkeley

Why Rent a Motorcycle in San Francisco? If you’re a motorcycle enthusiast you know the pain of leaving your bike behind when you take vacations or business trips away from home. It’s not as if you can put a luggage tag on your bike and drop it off at the TSA checkpoint. Until now, you […]

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The Best Tech Gadgets for Motorcycle Riders

I’m a California motorcycle accident attorney but I’ve also ridden bikes (scooters, street bikes, dirtbikes, etc.) pretty much all my life. I feel the attraction that entices hundreds of thousands of people to ride motorcycles and relish the simplicity of these machines: a motor, two wheels, and a throttle. But the motorcycle (and the culture […]

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Riding in Traffic—Tips to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

Calculating the Cost of Motorcycle Crashes

Riding in city traffic isn’t nearly the same as cruising on the open road. There are dangers everywhere—cars, commercial trucks, pedestrians. It can be a stressful nightmare and, unfortunately, riding in traffic dramatically increases your risk of being involved in a motorcycle accident in San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles or San Jose. But you can […]

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Tips for Riding Your Motorcycle Safely in the Rain

Motorcycling is inherently more dangerous than driving an automobile. However, millions of Americans enjoy the free feeling of cruising the streets atop their two-wheeled machines with nothing between them and open road. And millions of Americans do it safely. Here on the West Coast, we can generally ride year-round (unlike our friends in colder climates […]

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$65k SETTLEMENT– San Francisco Motorcycle Accident Case [Over SIX times the insurance carrier’s opening offer]

Call Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers at 877-380-8852 about a motorcycle vs. truck collision

An active, twenty-two year old man was riding his motorcycle West down Fulton Street towards his home in the Richmond neighborhood of San Francisco. Without warning an Australian citizen on holiday in the city driving an Alamo Rental vehicle made a sudden U-turn cutting off the motorcyclist’s right of way. Unable to brake in time, […]

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Scoot Networks Offers Cheap Transportation Alternative in San Francisco

Electric scooter accidents

Scoot Networks Offers Cheap Transportation Alternative in San Francisco Getting around San Francisco by car can be a bit tricky at times. Finding a parking spot can be even harder. In the past few years a number of interesting urban mobility services have popped with the intention of alleviating some of that stress. By far […]

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