Establish Good Rapport with The Insurance Adjuster

Establish Good Rapport with The Insurance Adjuster ​Sally Morin discusses the first of the five most important things she think you must do when you negotiate a settlement in your personal injury case: establish good rapport with the insurance adjuster working on your case. My personal belief is that insurance companies care about one thing. […]

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Five Things You Should Do If You Are Involved in a Traffic Accident

​Sally Morin explains the five things you should do if you are involved in a traffic accident. ​Seek medical attention and tell your physician or surgeon exactly how the injury occurred and describe all symptoms and complaints. ​Insist that an accident report be filed.The police, sheriff or highway patrol will often say that no report […]

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Could Having Health Insurance Actually Hurt You in a Personal Injury Case?

​The California Supreme Court recently held in a case called Howell v. Hamilton Meats (known commonly by lawyers as “the Howell decision”) that the victim of a personal injury accident can only recover the amount ACTUALLY PAID for medical treatment related to the accident. This means that if you have a hospital bill for $20,000 […]

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Maintain Control of The Information in Your Personal Injury Case

​Sally Morin continues her discussion of the five things you must do when negotiating a settlement in your personal injury case. Adjuster(s) calling you non-stop? If you think you need to hire a personal injury attorney, direct the adjuster to call your lawyer. If you are going it alone, make sure to control the information […]

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Submit a Written Demand Letter

​Sally Morin continues discussing the five most important things to do when negotiating a settlement in your personal injury case. This next step occurs after you have established rapport with the adjuster, set the limits on who controls the information in your case and you have finished your reasonably necessary medical care. At this point, […]

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Future damages in a Personal Injury Case

Personal Injury Traffic Accident Attorney Sally Morin discusses future damages in a personal injury case. As I’ve talked about in other videos, there are two types of damages: special and general, and three types of special damages you can recover: property damages, medical damages and loss of earnings damages. These discussions have been focused on […]

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