Uber Accident in San Jose? It Was Probably Caused by Distracted Driving.

Uber Accident in San Jose? It Was Probably Caused by Distracted Driving.

Uber Accident in San Jose? It Was Probably Caused by Distracted Driving. The typical Uber accident in San Jose is the result of distracted driving. In fact, Uber drivers are almost required to be distracted! Oddly enough, Uber mandates that drivers use their phones. Drivers must accept rides through the Uber app, interact courteously with […]

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Lyft vs. Uber Accident: What You Need to Know

lyft versus uber

Ridesharing was born right here in the Bay area. San Francisco is the hometown of Uber, which has become the most popular and dominant of these services. Lyft, Uber’s main competitor, as well as lesser-known rideshare companies like Ziro are also taking big bites out of the rideshare market. The residents of California’s cities seem […]

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