Ooops! It looks like your case does not fall within our very specific practice areas.

Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers almost exclusively handles bicycle, motorcycle, car, Uber, and pedestrian vs. auto accident cases that result in serious injuries such as broken bones, injuries requiring surgery, or traumatic brain injury. When our bandwidth permits, we occasionally take on other personal injury cases, but only on a case-by-case basis.

We limit our practice area to be able to give each of our clients the best representation possible.

Here are a Few Attorneys We Can Recommend.

Since your case does not fall within our very specific practice area, we highly recommend you reach out to one of the following personal injury attorneys who handle a wider variety of cases:

San Francisco Personal Injury Lawyers

Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers

aghabilaw Law, APC

Aghabilaw, APC

We thank you for taking the time to visit our website and hope you found some useful information here. We wish you the best of luck with your case!