What Happens When a Dog Bites a Child and Causes Injury in California

What Happens When a Dog Bites a Child and Causes Injury in California

What Happens When a Dog Bites a Child and Causes Injury in California More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. And while anybody can be the victim of a dog attack, a recent study conducted by a California hospital shows that young children are most at risk—particularly children between the ages […]

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What is Considered a Vicious Dog in California?

What is Considered a Vicious Dog in California?

Please be advised that the following topic is for informational purposes only and not a legal matter currently handled by our firm. If you need further assistance regarding this particular topic, you can contact your local Bar Association for a referral to an attorney who may be able to address your inquiry in more detail. Dogs are […]

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