Why should I hire a personal injury lawyer

Why should I hire a personal injury lawyer?

When you’re a personal injury traffic accident attorney, people sometimes ask questions like, “Why would I hire you?” The average person doesn’t necessarily understand the role of a personal injury lawyer.

In a way, that’s a great thing! If you don’t understand it, you’re lucky. It probably means a negligent person has never hurt you and you’ve never needed our services.

But someday, you may have severe injuries due to someone else’s irresponsibility. It could be your Uber driver who arrives drunk and crashes the car, a truck driver who falls asleep behind the wheel and hits you, or a careless pedestrian who runs out into traffic and causes a catastrophic multi-car crash.

Every day, you face dangers from the billions of other people on our planet. So let’s look at the upsides of hiring a personal injury lawyer when one of your fellow humans hurts you.

How’s Your Stress Level? Probably Off the Charts.

The first benefit of hiring a personal injury attorney is stress relief. Right now, stress is probably hitting you from all angles – physical stress from the bodily harm, emotional strain from the trauma of the accident, and financial stress from the medical care.

Maybe due to your injuries, you’re now out of work. You can’t support your family and the bills are continuing to roll in. Plus, your recovery time is creating new conflicts with your spouse and kids. All of this adds up to stress, stress, stress.

Your lawyer steps in to handle the legal details and releases a huge burden of stress you’ve been feeling. They can help you organize your bills, determine how to stay financially stable, and deal with other parties like difficult drivers and insurance companies.

A lawyer helps you make smart choices that protect your legal rights, always looking out for your best interests. What a relief!

A Great Attorney Adds Speed and Expertise

Here’s another big benefit of hiring an attorney: speed. At Sally Morin Personal Injury Attorneys, we handle nothing but severe traffic injury cases, day in and day out. We’re pros at this.

Although each of our clients gets personal attention, our many years of practice have allowed us to find ways of providing individual assistance efficiently. We know how to work quickly and prevent delays that could hold up your case.

Plus, experience matters in personal injury cases, which is why acting as your own attorney is a risky bet. A talented lawyer’s expertise can make the difference between simply accepting a lowball offer and doing the work it takes to secure a high-value settlement.

Join the 91% Who Receive a Payout With a Lawyer

There’s no doubt that people who hire personal injury lawyers are more likely to get high-value compensation than those who go it alone. One study found that 91% of people with legal representation received a settlement or award, compared to just 51% who tried to do it without a lawyer’s help.

That’s because a personal injury lawyer knows what your injuries are actually worth. We know how to make important calculations for auto damages, missed work, future lost wages, upcoming physical therapy, mental health care, and more.

And if the cost of your damages is in doubt, we can call on expert witnesses who add tremendous value to your case. Perhaps an economist could testify to your lost potential earnings or a traffic safety expert could shed light on why the accident was due to the other person’s driving error.

Hear that sound? It’s the sound of money in your pocket. It’s the sound of finally taking a deep sigh of relief and getting some peace of mind. Now you can rest and recover. That’s priceless!

And that, my friends, is exactly why you should hire a personal injury lawyer. We hope you’re never severely injured in an auto accident, but if the worst happens, Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers are here to help.

“Sally did an amazing job settling my personal injury automobile accident case. Aside from the wonderful and unexpected settlement, the best part was that instead of dealing with the slimy insurance settlement case worker (who wanted to show up at my work to verify my injury), I dealt with Sally and her knowledgeable and kind staff. It gave me peace of mind to be able to deal with someone with so much integrity who had my interests in mind.” – Lyssa G.

Experience a serious personal injury accident in California?

Check out our Personal Injury FAQ Page to learn more about how the process works.

We Handle Your Accident Claim So You Can Focus on Your Life

San Francisco Personal Injury Lawyers - Sally Morin Law 2

After an accident, contact the attorneys at Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers. We handle many types of personal injury claims. We believe you should be able to focus on recovering from your accident while we handle the legal details.

We truly care about the people of California. Contact us today for a free online case evaluation.

Video Transcript

A lot of people ask, why should I even hire a personal injury attorney? Of course, I’m biased. I am a personal injury attorney, and I think there’s really a lot of upsides to hiring one. The very first one is that it can relieve a lot of stress. You’re already under physical stress, emotional strain, maybe you are out of work and you’re feeling a little bit guilty about not doing your part at work or in the family, so having a lawyer on your side to help you with the logistics of your personal injury claim is a great stress relief. Not to mention personal injury attorneys do this day in and day out. For instance, my firm only handles traffic accident cases, and we do this 365 so we’re always working on that and we’re experts in that field. We know what we’re doing, we can do things more quickly than someone handling it on their own. Also, having a personal injury lawyer is going to get you more money in the end. A lot of people look at it, and they know that lawyers take a percentage of the money that comes out of the case and they’re like, “I don’t know if I want to share my money with a lawyer,” but if you really look at the statistics, most cases that have an attorney involved are settled for … There’s a statistic out there, something like three-and-a-half times what people who handle their own cases settle for, so that more than compensates for the lawyer’s fees.  Number one, you’re missing out on a whole lot of stress. That’s a nice one. Then the lawyer’s ending up getting you more money than if you had to go through all that stress yourself. So those are two big factors on why you should hire a personal injury attorney.

Accident Client

If you’re someone who is considering an attorney for a personal accident, I highly recommend Sally Morin and her professional staff of attorneys. If you would like to know more details, feel free to contact me via Yelp and I would be happy to share more details. While I use Yelp quite often, I rarely post reviews… unless I’m truly blown away by great service (or angry with horrible service). If there were a sixth star, I would certainly give it to Rebecca and Sally!

We're here to help with your Personal Injury claim

Check out our Personal Injury FAQ Page to learn more about how the process works.

We Handle Your Personal Injury Accident Claim So You Can Focus on Your Life

After an accident, contact the attorneys at Sally Morin Personal Injury Lawyers. We handle many types of traffic injury claims. We believe you should be able to focus on recovering from your accident while we handle the legal details.

We truly care about the people of California. Contact us today for a
free online case evaluation.


It is essential to know your rights after a traffic accident so you can protect yourself and the value of your claim.
This guide will help you:

  • 1Know what to do when dealing with insurance claims, police reports and lawyers.
  • 2Avoid making mistakes that undermine the value of your claim
  • 3Put yourself in a position to get the best settlement possible