Why You Should Get UIM Coverage On Your Motorcycle

Why You Should Get UIM Coverage On Your Motorcycle

Why You Should Get UIM Coverage On Your Motorcycle The high-risk nature of motorcycles means that riders should invest in all possible insurance coverage options. In 2020, there were 83,000 motorcycle accident injuries and over 5,000 fatalities. And as California has some of the worst traffic and the highest registered number of motorcycles, it’s safe […]

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Do I Need California Motorcycle Insurance?

Do I Need California Motorcycle Insurance?

Do I Need California Motorcycle Insurance? Sunny, scenic California has more motorcycles on its roads than any other state. There are more than 800,000 motorcycles registered in the state of California. The law requires every California motorcyclist to have insurance in case of a motorcycle accident. Motorcyclists also have other responsibilities under California law, like […]

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Blunt Force Trauma Injury Claims and Compensation

blunt force trauma

Blunt Force Trauma Injury Claims and Compensation Trauma is one of the leading causes of death globally. And while many different kinds of injuries are categorized as trauma, blunt force trauma injuries are some of the most common. While some blunt force trauma injuries can be minor, such as a small bruise, these types of […]

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Compensation for Internal Injuries from a Motorcycle Accident

Compensation for Internal Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents

Compensation for Internal Injuries from a Motorcycle Accident In sunny California, motorcycle accidents are all too common, with so many cars and motorcycle riders out on the roads. In fact, California has the highest number of registered motorcycles in the whole country. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents can be especially dangerous due to the fact that riders […]

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Lawsuits for Wrongful Death Motorcycle Accidents in California

Lawsuits for Wrongful Death Motorcycle Accidents in California

Lawsuits for Wrongful Death Motorcycle Accidents in California In recent years, motorcycle accident deaths have been on the rise. Just between 2019 and 2020, fatal motorcycle accidents increased by 11%. But over the past ten years as a whole, they have increased by 20%. While these tragic accidents can happen for many reasons, such as […]

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Compensation for Serious Motorcycle Accident Injuries to the Neck

serious neck injuries

Despite the fact that motorcycles only make up about 0.6% of vehicles traveling the roads each year in the U.S., they account for 18% of occupant fatalities and 4% of injuries. And over the past ten years, in particular, motorcycle accident deaths have increased by 27%. The issue is that motorcyclists have less protection for […]

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What’s a No-Contact Car Accident and Who’s Liable?

What's a No-Contact Car Accident and Who's Liable?

Please be advised that the following topic is for informational purposes only and not a legal matter currently handled by our firm. If you need further assistance regarding this particular topic, you can contact your local Bar Association for a referral to an attorney who may be able to address your inquiry in more detail. You’ve probably […]

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$75,000 Motorcycle Accident Settlement

$75,000 Motorcycle Accident Settlement

$75,000 Motorcycle Accident Settlement A man in California was out for a scenic highway ride with a group of fellow motorcyclists when a van pulled out in front of the group and caused an accident. One of the motorcycle riders, having little time to react after being cut off, ran into the van. Our client […]

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What Happens If I Am In an Accident With an Underinsured Motorist?

What Happens If I Am In an Accident With an Underinsured Motorist?

California is an at-fault state. This means that if you are injured in an accident, you have the right to go after the guilty party for compensation. In many cases, you would initially file a claim and recover compensation through the guilty party’s insurance provider. But what happens if you are in an accident with an […]

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Consequences of Unsafe Motorcycle Lane Changes

motorcycle accident

Consequences of Unsafe Motorcycle Lane Changes An unsafe lane change happens any time a driver shifts from one lane to another without taking proper precautions. It’s not just a bad idea; it’s illegal! California law is clear about what constitutes an unsafe lane change for a motorcyclist or any other motorist. Drivers may only change […]

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