There is a fine line between spending too much and spending too little on case costs in your personal injury case

do you have the time

A money-conscious attorney should be as intelligent in handling (and keeping control of) the costs of your personal injury case as he or she is about the law involved in your case. That is not to say that the attorney should scrimp on all costs just to save a dime. There are certainly some costs […]

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My car, motorcycle or bike was destroyed (or “totaled”) in an accident. How do I get paid for that?

The difference between a damaged vehicle and a “totaled” vehicle: First, you (or the insurance carrier does) need to determine whether your vehicle was merely damaged or was totally destroyed in the accident. When a client is in a bad car, motorcycle or bicycle accident, their vehicle is usually either badly damaged or completely totaled. […]

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How do I get paid for the damage to my property when I am involved in a bicycle, motorcycle, pedestrian or automobile accident?

How do I get paid for the damage to my property? If you carry comprehensive auto insurance (meaning you have full coverage for any damage to your vehicle) you can deal directly with your own auto insurance company to receive payment for the damage to your car, even though there is a third party who […]

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How Can I Protect Myself Against Underinsured Drivers?

Need Accident Attorney after Accident in Los Angeles - Los Angeles Attorney's Advice

We have had several serious personal injury traffic accident cases lately where our clients have suffered significant injuries, but the person responsible for their injuries wasn’t carrying enough insurance coverage to pay for all the damages. In these cases, we do our best to minimize the expenses, reduce our fees and negotiate medical cost reimbursements […]

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Why does my health insurance company get part of my personal injury settlement?

Seek Medical Attention

This is often a frustrating issue for many of my clients. You work hard, have a job that provides health insurance coverage and you and/or your employer pay the premiums so that you have that coverage when you need it. So why would your health insurance company ask to be reimbursed for any medical care […]

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What insurance will cover me if I’m in a pedestrian or bicycle accident?

As a San Francisco bicycle and pedestrian accident attorney, I represent a lot of cyclists and pedestrians who have various types of insurance coverage, and each type of coverage may or may not come into play in a personal injury case. Keep in mind that all insurance policies vary and you need to look at […]

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1 in 3 Drivers in California are Uninsured or Underinsured

Personal Injury Traffic Accident Lawyer Sally Morin discusses an issue that is hugely relevant to her practice as a Personal Injury Attorney. On a regular basis, I come across wonderful people who are badly injured in accidents by drivers who are either uninsured or underinsured. Do you know that 25% of California drivers carry absolutely […]

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I thought I was done with my medical treatment, and I was ready to settle my personal injury case. But now my doctor tells me I may need a future surgery. How does this affect my case?

Paying Medical Bills After A Motorcycle Accident

But now my doctor tells me I may need a future surgery. How does this affect my case? Most of my clients have been seriously injured in a personal injury traffic accident and then receive all the necessary medical treatment they need before we work towards settling their case. We do not want to settle […]

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Why do I keep receiving bills from San Francisco General Hospital?

Paying for Medical Care After an Accident

Why do I keep receiving bills from San Francisco General Hospital? even though I have a personal injury case pending? Can’t they just get paid from my case? Sometimes, even when you having an attorney representing you in a personal injury case in San Francisco, San Francisco General Hospital and San Francisco Fire Department Ambulance […]

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