Can I Be Held Liable if My Car Is Rear-Ended in California?

Can I Be Held Liable if My Car Is Rear-Ended in California?

You’ve probably heard that most of the time, a California driver who rear-ends another car is at fault for the crash. But what about the exceptions to “most”? Not all rear-end car accidents result in total liability for the rear driver. Sometimes the front driver is assigned partial or total responsibility. It might sound strange, […]

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A Day-in-the-Life Video – Does it Help Your Personal Injury Case?

CCTV camera

A Day-in-the-Life Video – Does it Help Your Personal Injury Case? When you say, “I was injured in a car accident,” do people show sympathy for your situation? Can they possibly understand your immense pain and suffering? Do they truly grasp how the accident ruined your finances and shook up your entire life? It can […]

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What Is Viewed as a Moderate Car Crash in California?

What Is Viewed as a Moderate Car Crash in California?

Car crashes come in three main forms: minor, moderate, and severe. Sometimes the accident is so trivial, the two drivers decide not to involve the police or insurance companies. These are considered minor collisions. At the other end of the spectrum, severe car accidents are catastrophic collisions that involve multiple totaled cars, bodily injuries, fires, […]

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The Most Dangerous Days and Times to Be Out on the Roads

drink and drive

Please be advised that the following topic is for informational purposes only and not a legal matter currently handled by our firm. If you need further assistance regarding this particular topic, you can contact your local Bar Association for a referral to an attorney who may be able to address your inquiry in more detail. Can you […]

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When a Borrowed Car is in an Accident, Who’s Liable?


After a car accident here in California, what happens next depends on who owns the car, who was driving it, how it’s insured, and who else was involved. Things can get complicated when the crash involves a borrowed car. Maybe you loaned your car to someone who wrecked it. Or maybe you were driving a […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Rush to Settle Your Car Accident Case


Why You Shouldn’t Rush to Settle Your Car Accident Case When you’re in a California road accident that’s definitely the other person’s fault, you just want to wrap things up as quickly as possible. So when the other driver’s auto insurance company offers you a fast settlement check, it can be very tempting. Wait! If […]

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What Evidence Should I Preserve After a Car Accident?


What Evidence Should I Preserve After a Car Accident? The moments after your car accident are extremely important. This is the critical time when the accident scene still appears almost exactly as it happened. Now’s your chance to preserve it with photos and videos. As every minute passes, things change. Witnesses wander away. The sun […]

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How Does Driving While Sick Put You at Risk?

driving while sick

Achoo! Have you ever driven while sneezing and sniffling? It might surprise you to realize that this is actually risky behavior. Driving while sick is one of the lesser-known causes of road accidents. If you cause a crash, your sickness can be considered a form of distracted driving or even drunk/drugged driving. All it takes […]

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What are the 6 Most Dangerous Roads in California?

What are the 6 Most Dangerous Roads in California

California has more than 3,000 fatal vehicle accidents every year plus thousands more nonfatal accidents. Although you might assume these crashes are spread across the state, some roads are much more accident-prone than others. When a road is curvy, congested, high-speed, poorly-lit, or heavily traveled, it’s more likely to have a high rate of accidents. […]

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Is it Dangerous to Move Someone Immediately After a Car Accident?

Is it Dangerous to Move Someone Immediately After a Car Accident

In the chaos of a California road accident, well-meaning people sometimes make a huge mistake: They move someone who may have a spinal cord injury. It might not seem like a big deal, but moving someone with spinal damage could have permanent, life-altering effects. Here’s why it’s important to be informed about spinal cord injuries. […]

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